Bpaid Bmobile Invoicing And Delivery

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Getting Paid Using ACH and Credit Card Payments is 3x Faster

Introducing bPaid - bMobile™ Invoicing and Delivery

Every successful or growing business must have cash in hand. This is used to pay employees, vendors and the many costs businesses face. Far too often businesses are unable to make these payments due to low cash flow. Businesses should not close or struggle because they are waiting too long to get paid. To solve this issue, bMobile has created bPaid - a system that will not only get your business paid 3x faster but save money by avoiding fees.

By securely processing payments using credit cards and ACH bank transfers, you can avoid fees and get paid

You are already invoicing from the field, desktop and from eCommerce with bMobile Route. Now take the next step and get paid 3x faster than your old routine!
It's free and only takes a few minutes to get started!

Send invoices and statements via email. Now your customer has a “Pay now” button on the emailed invoice and statement to go online and pay immediately!

Your customers can store their preferred payment methods (credit cards and ACH bank) securely for recurring payments. ACH is only $1 per transaction! You can accept credit cards, but the real savings lie in not handling cash and checks, but rather having the payments go directly into your bank accounts!

Banks estimate that it costs $4 to $40 in time to process each deposit; PLUS the time it takes to take it to the bank. Using bPaid, you can eliminate paper deposits and the hassle of leaving the office to make a bank deposit! bPaid provides a secure audit trail and offers you peace of mind that you are in control of your money.

Office and accounting staff know what a pain it is to reconcile customer payments with auditability with bank deposits. Reconciliation reports are available to assist you in tracking and accountability of received funds from your customers!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • bPaid allows one ACH payment for multiple invoices; this means you'll be saving money by only paying $1 fee per transaction, as opposed to paying a fee for each invoice.

  • ACH stands for "Automatic Clearing House." It is the quickest and most efficient way to pay an invoice, or receive a payment as it is a direct bank to bank transfer.

  • Vaulting payments is a process of electronically storing bank or card information using an encrypted key. bPaid offers space for several cards to be used for future use. By vaulting the payment method, this ensures sensitive information is not visible to anyone.

  • bMobile has partnered with TSIS for payment processing and therefore is fully PCI compliant. With vaulting, we only keep the last 4 digits of the card on file.

  • Follow the link provided to access a PDF with information about bPaid. Click here!

  • Click the link provided to visit our YouTube channel and watch our series called "bPaid FAQ's"

    Click here to visit our YouTube channel!


Accept credit card, debit card, and ACH payments. Instead of paying 3% on your invoice, pay a solid $1 fee.


How it Works

Pay invoices With the Click of a Button

  • By selecting "Save for future payments," you can vault the payment information for future use.
  • Multiple payment types can be added to be vaulted, including ACH payments.
  • The top banner will also display any outstanding invoices and if they are past due.
  • Upon reaching the checkout page, you can enter delivery notes and promo codes.
  • An email confirmation will be sent to the customer after confirming the order.