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Increase Sales, Guaranteed!

bMobile helps to:

  • Increase sales by a minimum of 10% (ask about our Guarantee)
  • Give Customers their own Web Ordering Portal with forecasts, defaults, and cutoff control
  • Display items, pricing, images, categories, and nutritional labels
  • Highlight promotional or discounted items on a rotating carousel
  • Give your company a new revenue stream, and you empower your customers to buy more product

Easy and Immediate Customer Self-Service means a better customer experience!

  • Reduce unproductive time taking phone calls, faxes, and emails for manually hand-written orders
  • Reduce customer order time and increase revenue with a customer-specific product guide and cloning of past orders
  • Customers can view their invoices, next deliveries, and undelivered orders
  • Increased availability and customer satisfaction through Online Self-Service

Take A Look At Our Overview

Starting at $799*

and $25 per month, get a full website with a display of your products from bMobile Route.

For $999*

and $199 per month, get a fully integrated B2B Ecommerce experience, including cart, order editing, and order history.

  • Increase Revenue and Customer Satisfaction
  • Get up and running in days not weeks
  • Real-time integration with bMobile Route – no sync or redundant entry required
  • We can offer a complete e-commerce website, or a “shop now” link on your existing website

Online is the future of Buying

B2B Web Portals will be a key component of the DSD market now, and into the future.

According to Internetretailer.com:

  • Just 25% of B2B companies today actively sell online
  • Nearly 75% of B2B buyers say buying from an e-commerce site is more convenient that buying from a sales rep, and 93% say they prefer buying online when they’ve already decided what to buy
  • Cost per order can be reduced from $24 per transaction (paper, via a salesperson) to $1.50 per transaction via a customer self-serve e-commerce

According to the US Commerce Department. Non-adjusted figures:

  • In Q3 2016, Ecommerce sales grew 15.6%, representing 11.3% of total retail sales when factoring out items not normally bought online like fuel and automobiles

According to a Forrester Study, cited by Forbes:

  • 74% of B2B buyers research half or more of their work purchases online before buying according to a recent Forrester study. The same study found that 30% make half or more of their work purchases online today, and 56% expect to make half or more of their work purchases online in 3 years

How It Works

  • Buyers enter an order on their own custom-designed Web Portal
  • Those orders are sent directly to your desktop interface for review
  • Employees spend less time processing orders, and more time generating revenue
  • Processed orders are sent directly to the route management software, and appears on the optimized route for the field representative

"If I have to do it manually, then I am wasting my time."
- future user